Belief in your own strengths.

Clarity of personal goals. Decisiveness in implementation.



Success has to be learned. For every venture we need strategies for success and strategies for false modesty. This requires the ability to set your own goals: goals which are strong enough to withstand whatever reality throws at you. To have the courage to live your life first-hand. The ability to let go when it is necessary to change and move on. And above all an unwavering belief in one’s own strengths, talents and possibilities.

Together with a coach this work is not only more fun but the chance of misperception is reduced, true perception is widened, the pitfalls of one`s own patterns and self-images are critically examined, perspectives are opened and answers to pertinent questions are facilitated.

Focussed management coaching and support with “on boarding” of new managers in business settings is gaining credibility in leading concerns across the globe. Studies have shown that the first 100 days for a new employee at this level are critical for future success.

This requires drive, action and goal-orientation. The focus on one’s own strengths, discipline in thought, speech and actions. There is no place for false modesty. The critical ability to control information management, adequate self-marketing, the establishment of a feedback-culture, management of mutual expectations, creating networking-structures, realistic self-positioning and information politics at all levels.
We accompany you during this process.

In our one to one coaching discussion you will experience the power of key questions and your ability to find your own answers and solutions. Discreet, trustworthy, effective and committed to your personal goals.



One to one – coaching with us, on request on-site coaching in companies. For international businesses we can also support you with phone conferences.



  • MbO/ establishing main goals
  • Development of client orientated strategies to reach targets
  • Work with practical case studies
  • Situational sparring partnership
  • Crisis management / back-up


Possible topics

  • On-boarding strategies
  • Building up networking-structures/ self-marketing/ self-positioning in the company
  • Recognition and implementation of personal success strategies
  • Strength-weakness management (USP)
  • Personal communication strategies
  • Media positioning
  • Personal visibility
  • Team motivation
  • Team development strategies/ culture work
  • Recognition, understanding and experiencing the connection between success, thoughts, speech, actions based on scientific studies from the field of linguistics (Saphir Whorf).


We look forward to you contacting us.


Coaching is deep surgery.
In search of extraordinary results in 2025 : we will be your Executive Coach!
What do you want to improve today? We are your Sparring Partner!