CEO Coaching

To have an internationally experienced sparring partner on equal terms, trustworthy and dedicated, involved with heart and soul, who offers a second opinion whenever another perspective is required in relation to specific questions is –just as top sports people playing on a professional level have coaches – increasingly valued in nearly all CEO positions, from small and middle-sized businesses, to board members of large concerns, by business founders and with on-boarding processes. Furthermore it is always about your internal and external positioning, your reputation, media work, branding and your company`s image.
You choose the topics, your needs are the focus of the coaching discussions.
Absolute discretion, more than 28 years of experience in nearly all branches of international entrepreneurship together with an intercultural background and many years of personal experience in leadership and top management – allow you, to talk about things which are often considered taboo. Allow you out of office hours to think about specific problem areas in difficult situations with the support of a neutral expert. Allow you to try new things, to extend your horizons–in my case female– and to implement complete and effective solutions. Moreover allow you both in good and in more difficult times to return to our established sparring partnership. To have confidential and open discussions aimed at finding solutions. In addition I am also available for press and general media issues incl. crisis management together with my expert team in particularly acute situations.
The air is thin at the highest levels. It therefore helps to know that with minimal effort you have a longstanding, innovative, highly experienced, completely trustworthy and internationally recognized confidante at your side. It is state of the art.