Executive- and Management Coaching Intercultural coaching
Executive- and Management Coaching

With tact, experience in management and expert knowledge we have been working successfully for almost 28 years as an executive- and management coaching partner together with businesses at home and abroad.
With our management development we strive to offer added value. We assume that everyone has enormous personal potential, especially in relation to emotional intelligence, creativity, personal responsibility, limit-setting and delegation ability, work-life-management, leadership and motivation talent, self- and change management and that with precise and effective management coaching even more can be achieved. Based on that principle our responsibility in working together with our clients encompasses the following core elements:
- Discovering, clarifying and formulating primary management development/ management coaching goals.
- Where necessary implementation of management audits/management assessments.
- Developing client orientated goal achievement strategies.
- Defining continuous implementation measures of management development /coaching with clear time frame.
- Evaluation /monitoring of measurable results.
In the management coaching process the aim is generally to strengthen self-confidence within the framework of one’s own mental state, visions and life-goals. As a result of coaching perception is honed, the ability to differentiate is improved and the capacity to deal with conflict is strengthened. Our management coaching rates quality on the basis of measurable results and orientates itself primarily to the requirements of current management practice.
In every management coaching meeting the client defines their current goals, chooses the focus and content of the discussion, whilst the coach listens and with precise questioning and scrutinizing leads the client to his own answers. Following this implementation steps and action plans are developed. Management- and executive-coaching broadens the focus, leads to decisions, accelerates willingness to implement and strengthens perception of one’s own needs and options. Coaching focusses on where the client currently stands, defines IS/SHOULD and motivates towards gradual implementation of clearly defined goals for tomorrow. Management coaching is an ongoing motivational process which aims to strengthen performance and viability in an effective manner.
What Executive and Management Coaching core areas?
Our work focusses on the following core areas:
- Leadership Coaching/ Performance Coaching
- Executive Onboarding
- Sparring partnership/ Sparring partnership on case studies
- Career coaching and personal potential evaluation
- Intercultural management coaching
- Business coaching (KMU’s/ business foundation)
- Management coaching for young academics/ management development
- Management coaching for female managers
- Management coaching for change-management situations
- Management coaching for recruitment and team development processes
- Management coaching in communication (internal and external)
- Management coaching for public speaking/ media training/ PR
- Individual coaching for career reorientation
- Coaching for questions on career and work-life-balance
- Management coaching and accompaniment on questions of sustainability and ethics
- One to one – coaching with us (near HB Zurich)
- One to one – coaching in companies/ active support on site
- On demand: coaching workshops in companies (top down)
- Keynote speakers for businesses
We work
- On a mandated basis
- With concepts individually tailored to clients’ needs
- As personal sparring partners and management coaches for the duration of the mandate
- With measurable time and goal targets
- With absolute discretion and restraint
- Focussed on long-term cooperation
- With the requirement for honesty, transparency, confidence and sustainability
We look forward to you contacting us.