Podium discussions need strong leadership.



Whether in topics related to, business, politics, society and culture –effectively led podium discussions –analysis and presentation of controversial views – the plurality of argumentation –original thought processes – new questions – innovative answers – the sum of the parts create the heartbeat of innovation.

The ability to professionally moderate such discussions , in an authentic manner  provocative , rousing, motivating people to action, never boring and posing precise questions –that is the core of our moderation.

Dr. Sonja A. Buholzer is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, with a profound understanding of the heartbeat of top management in both international and national contexts. She operates as a personal consultant to male and female business leaders and politicians and is also available as a dedicated presenter of podium discussions.

We are ready to advise you on concept and context in connection with your planned events. We can also recommend core topics, speakers, discussion participants and bring you together with our network partners.


Please contact us: info@vestalia.ch


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